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quantum biofeedback machine for sale supplier


quantum biofeedback machine for sale supplier

What is quantum biofeedback machine?

INDIGO Biofeedback System

In approximately five minutes, the INDIGO Biofeedback System can simultaneously detect and record information about the individual client’s stress reactions.

The INDIGO Biofeedback System reveals a client’s voltage, amperage, resistance and other electrical calculations which may be important indicators of wellness.

Different lifestyle factors which could be contributing to the body’s overall stress load are reflected in the INDIGO Biofeedback System’s Suppression Obstruction Cure (SOC) scores.

Information about reactions to over 11,000 subtle stress related signatures and physiological parameters are also reported for client education.

How can the INDIGO Biofeedback System help to improve my health?

The INDIGO Biofeedback System functions in a multitude of ways, it can send signals to measure and record electro-physiological reactions to a multitude of items, re-educate certain muscles, nerves or organs or it can retrain areas of the body / mind to healthier patterns.

In other cases, it can invert certain signals which seem to be closely associated with a stress pattern.

The INDIGO Biofeedback System is by far the most comprehensive biofeedback system on the market today. Pre-designed stress reduction protocols may be used, or programs can be designed to meet the specific individual needs of each client. There are hundreds of different training programs that may used back-to-back in limitless combination’s to obtain optimum results.

Additionally, it is able to run up to four complimentary programs simultaneously for a highly synergistic and enhanced effect.

SCIO Biofeedback System

The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System (SCIO) is an automatic, computer-operated non-invasive active therapeutic device that combines bioresonance and biofeedback fields for body analysis and energy balancing. It is a stress management system that measures electrophysiological reactions and patterns through a ‘harness’ of electro-magnetic electrodes attached to the head, ankles and wrists, which are catalogued, tabulated and fed back to the individual.

The SCIO device utilizes transcutaneous voltammetric biofeedback technology, which consists of both hardware and software. The hardware consists of a digital interface box attached to the computer with electrodes attached to the wrists, ankles, and 8 on the forehead of the person (making up 12 transcutaneous carbon impregnated rubber electrode contact points). The software is a PC-based platform consisting of mathematical calculations and high-end graphics.

The SCIO measures the body electric at 12 points to get geographic measures of EEG, EMG, ECG and GSR. It can get global measures of charge stability profile as well as the TVEP reactivity index. Aberrant profiles can be corrected using micro-current stimulation. The systems software is programmed to autofocus to the patient’s body electric to reduce electro-stress and provide lifestyle advice – all of this to promote wellness and to educate the patient as to life healthy style choices.

The SCIO is designed to correct the manifestation of stress and/or electro-stress patterns within the individual at the most primal of physiological levels. The device works on the theory that stress disrupts the inherent electromagnetic frequencies at which the body’s cells, organs, etc. resonate and that by returning these frequencies to their natural state, the stress and any subsequent illness that occurred because of the disruption can be corrected. Studies have shown that people who are over-stressed produce different patterns of brain waves than do people who are not over-stressed, and that reversal of that stress, in particular through techniques such as biofeedback training that employ the individual in controlling their return to stress-free living, can result in the abnormal patterns becoming normal.

The SCIO tunes into an individual’s body’s physiological stress levels so that this information can be used to control the physiology, and consequently affect a decrease in those stress levels, resulting in improved physical and emotional being.

Where I can order it?

You can order here,we are supplier.offer OEM/OEM.

How to use it?


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