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quantum magnetic resonance analyzer (Lung Function) Analysis Report


quantum magnetic resonance analyzer (Lung Function) Analysis Report

(Lung Function) Analysis Report Card

Name: Example(Female) Sex: Female Age: 29
Figure: Standard body weight(165cm,62kg) Testing Time: 2011-05-25 20:18

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Vital Capacity VC 3348 – 3529 3434 Health Scope
Total Lung Capacity TLC 4301 – 4782 4282 aura of extensive lesions in lung tissue
Airway Resistance RAM 1.374 – 1.709 1.707 Health Scope
Arterial Oxygen Content PaCO2 17.903 – 21.012 21.002 Health Scope
Testing Parameter Description:
I. Vital Capacity: VC Health Scope: (3348~3529)
  1. >3529, vital capacity is increased.
  Seen in mild upper respiratory tract infection, mild chronic bronchitis, wind-cold attacking lung-type cough, wind-heat invading lung-type cough, cough of phlegm-dampness accumulation in lungs, etc.
  2. <3348, vital capacity is reduced.
  Seen in mild chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive emphysema, lack of lung-yin type cough, etc.
II. Total Lung Capacity: TLC Health Scope: (4301~4782)
  1.>4728, mild emphysema.
 Shortness of breath, alveolar expansion, Qi deficiency of the lung-spleen type lung inflation, heat-phlegm stagnating lung type lung inflation, etc.
  2. <4301, aura of extensive lesions in lung tissue.
 chronic bronchitis, mild upper respiratory tract infection, dry heat impairing pulmonary Jin type lung atrophy, lung Qi deficiency cold type lung atrophy, etc.
III. Airway Resistance: RAM Health Scope: (1.374~1.709)
  1. >1.709, increase.
 Seen in chronic obstructive emphysema, chronic bronchitis, early symptoms of bronchial asthma, lung and kidney qi deficiency type lung inflation, cold-phlegm obstructing lung type lung inflation, etc.
  2. <1.374, reduction.
 Mild upper respiratory tract infection, mild bronchitis, cough of phlegm-dampness accumulation in lungs, wind-cold attacking lung-type cough, etc.
IV. Arterial Oxygen Content: PaCO2 Health Scope: (17.903~21.012)
  1. >21.012, increase.
 Seen in body weaker immunity, lung Qi weakness caused by invasion of pathogen, etc.
  2. <17.903, reduction.
 Seen in poor airway, aura of chronic obstructive emphysema, early symptoms of bronchial asthma, cold wheezing, hot wheezing and wind-cold attacking lung type asthma syndrome, cold surface damp-heat type asthma syndrome, heat-phlegm stagnating lung type asthma syndrome, turbid-phlegm obstructing lung type lung inflation, lung and kidney qi deficiency type lung inflation, etc.

The test results for reference only and not as a diagnostic conclusion.


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